Being in love with life doesn’t mean you’re always happy. It doesn’t even mean you’re always pumped and ready for it; it can mean that you find moments of acceptance even in times when you didn’t know it was possible for yourself. This then can evolve into appreciation and love. More often than not, it so happens to be that you look back on moments, experiences, and memories and even if you didn’t feel the most ready, quipped, or excited in those moments, you’re filled with gratitude and love that those things happened after the fact and you showed up the best you could in those moments.
Expecting ourselves to be happy and content 24/7 even when life throws the most unexpected, especially in today’s current reality, is unrealistic and aiming for disaster if this is what you’re expecting for yourself. Going through life means holding out hope. Even in the middle of chaos, can you find yourself and hold your hand through it. We live in an imperfect world of ups and downs, and we have to live for the ride. It means you’re open to the variety of what life has to offer. It can be balancing a cycle of acceptance and release. And being honest comes with the territory. And not taking it too personally.
You fill the gaps of the mundane, and frustration, with appreciation. You crack a smile and you get to sigh a sigh of relief for being here. It’s about flipping the script, sometimes, and some days when you can’t turn your anxiety into excitement the best you can do is accept.
“If life is a never-ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry, then that means life is a never-ending loop of home-cooked meals and comfy clean clothes” tweeted by maudimoods.
There’s the unexpected, the chaos, the things you don’t want to do, the last things you find yourself doing through the day, but there’s also the unexpected experiences of happiness, love, and luck. There are the expected joys that happen to bring turmoil, sorrow, or frustration, but this means there can be the expected frustration, sorrow, and turmoil that brings unexpected joy. So every day you choose to have love as the default for each day. Even if you have to walk through the chaos and the frustrating moments. Learn from these moments and these realizations and have them teach you how to better stay present and in the moment when those times come in. because life is always going to bring you moments. You Are in one right now. It’s about realizing making the best of what you can and each day and moment.